Future equestrians. Future veterinarians. Future leaders.

Our Detroit students love summer horse camp and our afterschool programming — and they enjoy them all for free thanks to donors like you!

You allow our new camp students to sit tall and proud on top of a horse.

You give our students the opportunity to whisper their dreams into the attentive ears of a pony.

You make it possible for students to learn the balance needed to post and trot.

You help students learn how to fly when cantering for the first time.

We harness the power of horses to teach students crucial skills:

Responsible Risk-taking

Students take these skills into the classroom and are better prepared for success in life and their future careers. You make this possible!

"Before joining Detroit Horse Power, I had a hard time talking to people. I didn't feel like people listened to me or saw me. I thought they were only judging me.

Riding horses helped me to come out of my shell. When talking to horses, they will move their ears, showing me that they are listening.

This helped me to connect with horses -- and people as well. Talking with horses gave me the confidence to talk to people."

- Dae, Detroit Horse Power Student

One particular conversation was memorable. Not exactly what was said because I could only hear every couple of words. However, the ease of conversation and range of topics were striking to me.

It was Dae effortlessly chatting with a community leader... he was meeting for the first time. My heart filled with happiness.

No one would ever know that Dae had difficulty connecting with people before joining Detroit Horse Power. - DHP Staff Member